Bo Stråth


Bo Stråth (Curriculum Vitae) was 2007-2014 Finnish Academy Distinguished Professor in Nordic, European and World History and Director of Research at the Department of World Cultures / Centre of Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki. 1997-2007 he was Professor of Contemporary History at the European University Institute in Florence, and 1991-1996 Professor in History at the University of Gothenburg. He is a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

From the Werner Plan to the EMU

by | Jun 20, 2001 | Anthologies, Publications

In Search of a Political Economy for Europe

Lars Magnusson, Bo Stråth (eds.), From the Werner Plan to the EMU, In Search of a Political Economy for Europe. Work and Society No. 29. P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2001


The aim of this book is to explore the preconditions of a European political economy. The establishment of the monetary union and the European Central Bank constitutes a major step towards greater economic, social and political integration between member states of the European Union. It represents a momentous step in European history. What did the historically given preconditions of a European political economy mean, in practice and theory, regarding future possibilities? Future prospects of EMU are addressed here from a historical perspective on European monetary integration, from the strains in the Dollar-based Bretton Woods order in the 1960s and earlier, the Wener Plan around 1970, and the international market in the 1980s to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992.

The book is based on the reflections of a working group at the European University Institute in Florence between 1999 and 2001. The fifteen chapters are organised in clusters on the historical and conceptual setting, on financial institutions and economic theory, on social practices and legal framework and future prospects.

Contributors: D. Ashiagbor, J. P. Burgess, J. de Beus, S. C. Dow, R. Hammersland, U. Liebert, B. MacLennan, L. Magnusson, T. Notermans, J. Ottosson, D. Purdy, O. B. Røste, R. Salais, B. Stråth, A. Verdun and H. Zimmermann.




From the Werner Plan to the EMU: A Chronology

Introduction. From the Werner Plan to the EMU: In Search of a European Political Economy. Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects. Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth

Part I. The Historical and Conceptual Setting

Chapter 1. The Fall of Bretton Woods and the Emergence of the Werner Plan. Hubert Zimmermann

Chapter 2. The Political Economy of the Werner and Delors Reports: Continuity amidst Change or Change amidst Continuity? Amu Verdun

Chapter 3, Economic Theory and Policy from the Keynesian Revolution to the Third Way. David Purdy

Chapter 4. Money and Political Economy: From the Werner Plan to the Delors Report and Beyond. J Peter Burgess and Bo Stråth

Chapter 5. The Political Transaction Costs of the Convergence Criteria: The EMU Compromise for the Delors Committee to Maastricht. Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson

Part II. Financial Institutions and Economic Theory

Chapter 6. The ECB, Banking, Monetary Policy and Unemployment. Sheila C Dow

Chapter 7. “We are arrogant because we are good.” A Critical Appraisal of Central Banking versus Fiscal Policy in Accomplishing the Community Wide Convergence in the 1980s and 1990s. Roger Hammersland

Chapter 8. Labour Markets and the EMU: The Cases of Norway and Sweden. Ole Bjøn Røste

Part III. Social Practices and Legal Framework

Chapter 9. Finance, Gender and Structural Change in the European Union. Barbara MacLennan

Chapter10. Constructing EMU: Euro-Scepticism and the Emerging European Public Sphere. Ulrike Liebert

Chapter 11. EMU and the Shift from a “Social Policy” Agenda to an “Employment Policy” Agenda in European Labour Law. Diamond Ashiagbor

Part IV. Future Prospects

Chapter 12. The Werner Plan as a Blueprint for EMU? Ton Notermans

Chapter 13. Are Third-Way Social Democrats Friends or Enemies of European Integration? A Tocquevillian Tale on the Politics of Administration. Jos de Beus

Chapter 14. Welfare Reform, Social Citizenship and European Integration. David Purdy

Chapter 15. Filling the Gap between Macroeconomic Policy and Situated Approaches to Employment. A Hidden Agenda for Europe? Robert Salais

Postscript. Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth


Notes on Contributors



  • Monographs
  • Anthologies
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A European Memory
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European Solidarities
European Solidarities
Reflections on Europe
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The Economy as a Polity
The Economy As a Polity
A European Social Citizenship
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Representations of Europe and the Nation in Current and Prospective Member States
States and Citizens History Theory Prospects
States and Citizens
The Meaning of Europe
The Meaning of Europe
Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other
Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
AFTER FULL EMPLOYMENT European Discources on Work and Flexibility
After Full Employment
Enlightenment and Genocide Contradictions of Modernity
Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity
Department of History and Civilization Nationalism and Modernity EUI Working Papers
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The Postmodern Challenge Perspectives East and West
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The Cultural Construction of Norden
The Cultural Construction of Norden
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Language and the Construction of Class Identities
Language and the Construction of Class Identities
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Democratisation in Scandinavia in Comparison
